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Emphasis Areas
  • General
  • Teaching

Special Programs

Doane Math Scholars Day

The Doane Math Scholars Day is an invitation only event for admitted prospective students who have an interest or aptitude in math. This half day event allows the invited students to see firsthand the unique features of Doane's Mathematics and Data Analytics program and discover the benefits of this degree. The event is limited in size to provide a personal experience and includes the following:

  • Answers to "What can I do with a Math major?"
  • Conversations with current Doane Math students and faculty
  • Interactive classroom visit
  • Campus tour 
  • Lunch provided 

Space is limited. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Barbara Herzog.

Group of people standing around a computer

Special Programs


Doane University's annual Symposium in Undergraduate Mathematics (SUM), a forum for presentation and celebration of undergraduate student projects in mathematics. For this event, "research" is defined very broadly: original research, survey articles, literature reviews, historical expositions, statistical papers, etc. This event is a great opportunity for students who have participated in math-related research projects to present their work to a larger audience of peers and provides motivation and inspiration to younger math students who may be participating in such projects in the future.

The next SUM is scheduled for Thursday, April 9th, 2020.

For more information, please contact Peggy Hart, Associate Professor of Mathematics at [email protected]

Students studying economics

Special Programs

Three-Year Graduation Program

Are you focused on your career path and motivated to move ahead at a faster pace? We haven't modified what it takes to graduate with a math and data analytics degree. Instead, we thought progressively about how you can meet graduation requirements at an accelerated pace. Save on tuition and get into the job market or graduate school more quickly while still receiving a world-class liberal arts education from Doane. Learn more about out Three-Year Graduation Program here.

Honors program students

Special Programs

Virtual STEM Day

Doane STEM Day is an opportunity for students to learn more about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Programs, discover the importance of a diverse STEM workforce, hear from current STEM students and explore the opportunities that exist for students at small vs. large universities. This event occurs either in-person or virtually each year. For more information about the programs, check out the videos here.

Relaxing in dorm room
Student studying Accounting

Emphasis Areas

Actuarial Science Emphasis

Actuarial science is a career field combining mathematics, statistics, business, and finance and is one of the highest-rated careers in the world.

No specialized degree is required to enter the field since the Society of Actuaries has developed its own educational accrediting system consisting of a series of exams. We have several alumni working in this highly lucrative career and who serve as great mentors to our existing students.

Doane provides small group mentoring focused on study materials for actuarial exams. In fact, Doane will pay exam fees for students who have completed the requisite coursework. Here is a link to some sample problems from the exam:View an Exam sample here

Female student looking at computer screen

Emphasis Areas

Data Analytics Emphasis

Data Analytics is an emerging career field combining mathematical thinking, statistics, and specific data technologies. Doane’s data analytics emphasis was tailored through conversations with data analytics industry leaders in Nebraska and includes the right combination of skills and tools for our graduates to step immediately into these types of jobs. Recent Doane students have earned positions at Buildertrend, Catch Intelligence, and Doane Sports Analytics. Watch faculty member Peggy Hart discuss our program here

The Doane Difference

Icon of brain and lightbulb

Preparing Dynamic Thinkers and Doers

The Mathematics and Data Analytics program is challenging, but the balanced curriculum transforms strong high school math students into creative and analytical problem solvers, ready to think through any issue.

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Variety of Career Choices

Whether it’s working as a business analyst, graduate student, math teacher, statistician, financial examiner, controller, or a software engineer, our students are well-equipped to begin a career in their desired field.

Icon of certificate

Math and Communication

An effective analyst and problem solver is good, but one who can communicate in person and in writing is unusual -- and great! In every class, Mathematics and Data Analytics students are expected to write, explain solutions and critique arguments.

Career Information

Female student looking at computer screen

Helpful Links

Whether you’re ready to apply or still testing the waters with a tour, we’re here for you. Here are some helpful links to assist you on your journey.

Mathematics and data analytics students engage in a rigorous curriculum coupled with unique experiences that embrace communication, collaboration, interdisciplinary projects, and an openness to productive mistakes.

Students studying mathematics and data analytics are dynamic problem solvers because they are exposed to a wide array of problems related to areas ranging from history, political science, literature, philosophy, social sciences, engineering, biology and computing.

From their first class, students cultivate their skills as team players through daily group problem solving and applied projects utilizing technology. Because these problems require conceptual understanding and explanation, students develop excellent oral and written communication skills. The training continues through the program and culminates in the student partnering with a faculty member on a research project and a formal conference presentation.

Mathematics and data analytics students become leaders in careers in both the government and private sectors because they willingly dive into a given problem, effortlessly organize and plan, easily collaborate, and find efficiencies others don’t. They adeptly and confidently communicate actionable steps suggested by their solutions.

Mathematics and data analytics students engage in a rigorous curriculum coupled with unique experiences that embrace communication, collaboration, interdisciplinary projects, and an openness to productive mistakes.

Students studying mathematics and data analytics are dynamic problem solvers because they are exposed to a wide array of problems related to areas ranging from history, political science, literature, philosophy, social sciences, engineering, biology and computing.

From their first class, students cultivate their skills as team players through daily group problem solving and applied projects utilizing technology. Because these problems require conceptual understanding and explanation, students develop excellent oral and written communication skills. The training continues through the program and culminates in the student partnering with a faculty member on a research project and a formal conference presentation.

Mathematics and data analytics students become leaders in careers in both the government and private sectors because they willingly dive into a given problem, effortlessly organize and plan, easily collaborate, and find efficiencies others don’t. They adeptly and confidently communicate actionable steps suggested by their solutions.

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